Other Forms is a mobile research and design collective working in multiple intersections of architecture, graphic design, and publishing. Other Forms considers how design reflects and critiques, in semi-autonomous marginal spaces, the material and social conditions of its practice.

Other Forms produces exhibitions, publications, writing, and typography, and anticipates the possibility of architecture. Other Forms is Jack Henrie Fisher and Alan Smart. Jonathan Krohn helps sometimes when he’s not working on Standards and Practices. We/they are based in Chicago and Berlin.

In every project, Other Forms seeks to open or reveal surplus spaces for the production of speech and writing. As a studio, Other Forms works contingently and dialectically, making it up as they go along, each step retroactively illuminating and reformulating the ones before, in the construction of an incomplete sentence about work, language, and politics.

Nobody asked us to do this, but we thought we’d do it anyway!

instant gram

4507 North Campbell Ave, Chicago, IL 60625, US
Demminer Straße 11,13355 Berlin, DE